Investment opportunities

investment opportunities

CG24 offers you direct and indirect investment opportunities.

Direct investment opportunity

  • 1

    Open an account with CG24.

  • 2

    Select your loan project from the investment proposals based on your risk/return profile.

  • 3

    Benefit from regular interest payments and repayment of the loan at the end of the term.

Invest in personal,
real estate and
business loans.

Create an account

Foundation for your success

Invest directly in private, business and real estate loans. Sell or buy shares you have already made on our secondary market or invest in investment products such as bonds.

CG24 - One platform - Countless investment opportunities


Primary market


Secondary market


Investment products

Invest in personal,
real estate and
business loans.

Create an account
Primary Market
  • You can select and invest in new loan projects via our primary market.
  • Financing can start from as little as CHF 500.

Investment opportunities

Business Credit

Amortisation loan

Bullet loan

Factoring/ Working Capital Financing

Private Credit

Consumer loan




Reverse mortgage

Real Estate

Mezzanine financing

Secondary Market
  • Our secondary market includes a marketplace for existing loan claims.
  • Investors have the opportunity to offer their loan claims for sale or can buy loan claims from other investors.
  • The loan claims offered can be offered at a premium or discount. In this way, you get your invested capital back before the end of the loan term.
  • By purchasing on the secondary market, you can diversify your portfolio and increase the chances of a return.
  • A purchase or sale only occurs if a buyer or seller can be found at the price offered.

Frequently asked questions about the secondary market

Who is eligible to buy or sell CPS (loan share) on the secondary market?

  • The CG24 Secondary Market is open to all registered investors of CG24.

Who determines the price of a CPS (loan share) on the secondary market?

  • By default, the purchase price is based on the amount still outstanding to the original investor at the time of sale. However, the seller is free to demand a somewhat higher or somewhat lower purchase price. All relevant information on the CPS will be disclosed to the potential new investor/buyer.

What happens if a loan goes into default while a CPS (loan share) is for sale?

  • The CPS can no longer be sold at that point and the offer is automatically removed from the secondary market by CG24.

How much does the CG24 secondary market cost?

  • CG24 Group's Secondary Market for Credit Shares (CPS) is provided free of charge to investors. CG24 does not charge any commission on the CPS sold. Investors continue to pay the service fee of 1% on all redemptions, including any loan share sold on the secondary market.
To the FAQ Secondary Market
Indirect investment

For in­vestors who do not want to in­vest in in­di­vidu­al loans, there is a range of in­vest­ment products. The ad­min­is­trat­ive bur­den as­so­ci­ated with these in­dir­ect in­vest­ments in loans is kept to a min­im­um by these products for in­sti­tu­tion­al and private in­vestors. Be­low can be found the dif­fer­ent ways to in­vest in Swiss SME and per­son­al loans (Small Cap Private Debt).


The rel­ev­ant pre­con­di­tions for the in­vest­ment products can be found in the rel­ev­ant in­vest­ment pro­spect­uses.


For private, pro­fes­sion­al and in­sti­tu­tion­al in­vestors in ac­cord­ance with the in­vest­ment pro­spect­us.

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